Pros and Cons of Collecting US Coins
U.S. Coins, Coin Collecting Tips, Getting Started, Coin Collecting Basics | Lianna Spurrier
When you’re first getting into coins, figuring out what you want to collect can be a daunting prospect. Most of us have a starter set that got us interested, commonly wheat pennies or buffalo nickels. But the question is, where do you go next?
Swedish Plate Money
Numismatic History, World Money, Swedish Plate Money | Money Museum Masterpiece Series
Money comes in all shapes and sizes. Take Swedish plate money, for example (also known as riksdaler plates). These were made by hammering copper and silver into sheets, cut to size with shears and then stamped according to their denomination. While they were cheap to produce, they were difficult to use in everyday commerce. Learn more by watching the.
There's Something About Morgans
Coin Collecting Tips, Numismatic History, Morgan Dollars | Mitch Sanders
Originally published October 2019