The Most Compelling Collectible
Coin Collecting Tips, Getting Started, Coin Collecting Basics, Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Cent | Mitch Sanders
There are a lot of fascinating things in numismatics. There are coins from ancient empires, and coins from every corner of the modern world. Coins have survived shipwrecks, or centuries buried underground. There are coins made of precious gold and silver, and from enough other metals to cover a big chunk of the periodic table. And there are coins that.
None the Worse for Wear
Coin Collecting Tips, Getting Started, Coin Collecting Basics, Abraham Lincoln, Coin Grading, Coin Values | Mitch Sanders
Though not as pretty as their unblemished counterparts, circulated coins connect us through their everyday use.
Nine Interesting Lincoln Cents
Numismatic History, U.S. Currency, Abraham Lincoln, 1909 VDB Cent, 1955 Double Die Cent, Cent, Lincoln Cent, 1943 Steel Cent | Mitch Sanders
This lowly, seemingly insignificant denomination teaches much about history, art and numismatics.