Collecting Friends: Coin Revivals
U.S. Coins, Bullion, Collecting Friends, Steve Roach, Dennis Tucker | Steve Roach & Dennis Tucker
Coin Revivals
Where to Sell Coins
Collecting Tips, Coin Collecting Tips, Getting Started, Coin Collecting Basics | Lianna Spurrier
Whether selling a few pieces that you’ve since upgraded, or changing your focus to a new set and selling off an entire collection, most collectors eventually find themselves wanting to sell some of their coins. There are plenty of different options, but not all of them are a perfect fit for every collection. Some of the key points you’ll want to.
Collecting Friends: Is the Half Dollar the “Coin of the People”?
Commemorative Coins, Collecting Friends, Steve Roach, Dennis Tucker, Half Dollars | Steve Roach & Dennis Tucker
Is the Half Dollar the “Coin of the People”?
Collecting Friends: What’s the Renaissance to You?
Collecting Friends, Steve Roach, Dennis Tucker, Renaissance | Steve Roach & Dennis Tucker
What's the Renaissance to You?
Collecting Friends: Boston Tea Party
U.S. Coins, U.S. Currency, Commemorative Coins, Collecting Friends, Steve Roach, Dennis Tucker | Steve Roach & Dennis Tucker
Boston Tea Party
Collecting Friends: World Coins in Change
Collecting Friends, Steve Roach, Dennis Tucker | Steve Roach & Dennis Tucker
Dennis: In the American South, a “Yankee” is a Northerner who comes down to visit—and a “Damn Yankee” is one who doesn’t go back home. I’ve been the latter for a long time. I grew up in Central New York (that’s the Syracuse area, for anyone who thinks Buffalo is right next to the Bronx), and I moved to Atlanta about twenty years ago.
Collecting Friends: Odd Words
Collecting Friends, Steve Roach, Dennis Tucker | Steve Roach & Dennis Tucker
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Collecting Friends: Collecting Coins with Cub Scouts
Collecting Friends, Steve Roach, Dennis Tucker, Scouts | Steve Roach & Dennis Tucker
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Collecting Friends: Naming Names in Numismatics
Collecting Friends, Steve Roach, Dennis Tucker, mercury dime, walking liberty | Steve Roach & Dennis Tucker
Listen to Audio Version Image: The ill-conceived “Liberty Barking” silver dollar, Judd-1544-1/2. (Actually a mockup of Dennis’s beagle Hyacinth, by retired Whitman art director Bob Cashatt.) Dennis: A coin collector asked me about the name of the 1916–1947 half dollar: Is it “Liberty Walking” or “Walking Liberty”? Growing up as a coin collector, I.
Collecting Friends: Half Crazy Half Dimes
Half Dime, Collecting Friends, Steve Roach, Dennis Tucker | Steve Roach & Dennis Tucker
Listen to Audio Version Steve: A marvelous thing about writing about coins is that you can immerse yourself in a specific area, figure out why a collector could be into it, and then share it with readers. I’ve never really been too jazzed about half dimes: just too small for my taste. But when Coin World’s Managing Editor William T. Gibbs suggested the.